Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sweet Walnut Chicken White Sauce

.... BEST WISHES ......

... to all of you, your families, to all your loved ones, who has comforted me in the darkest hours, who will do it because I really need, who showed me sorridere, a chi mi ha fatto compagnia in questi mesi del 2010, a chi avrei voluto dare altrettanto ma forse non ci sono riuscita.... insomma ... un abbraccio immenso !!!!!
A presto!!!!
Non riuscirò a passare da tutte per gli auguri.... sorry, ma siamo in partenza e torneremo domenica......

De Aaron Dias Desnudo

Alessandro De Angelis

This is the description of the experience of an ordinary person who at a distance of thirty years by what happened inside the mind have a single question that torments him: why?! Because I could and I was allowed to see and experience this incident that has devastated my life, despite the constant media processes that I have with it, trying many times to be able to rimuovere o sotterrare per non cadere in conflittualità con una vita normale, e soprattutto è giusto portarmela nella tomba solo per me senza trasmetterla ad altri?

In realtà quello che mi ha frenato è il pensiero per la spiacevolezza di essere preso per visionario, bugiardo, megalomane, pazzo o quant’altro di degradante ci possa essere, ma al di là del personale, che si risolve con l’anonimato, mi ha frenato anche la non credibilità al fatto che io abbia vissuto questa esperienza senza poter portare nessuna prova empirica e concreta di ciò che vi narrerò. Ma alla fine ho superato questa barriera convincendomi del fatto che crederci o no sia marginale, rispetto alle nuove aperture e riflessioni mentali che essa vi susciterà, a patto che leggiate senza preclusioni, preconcetti o paure di sorta che inevitabilmente vi attanaglieranno per gli argomenti trattati.
Vorrei partire subito con il racconto di quel che mi successe all’età di diciassette anni, quando ancora ero un “ragazzo normale”, di ceto medio, studente alle scuole superiori, intellettualmente ed emotivamente nella norma come tanti di voi. A quell’età al di là dei giochi e delle amicizie normali con i miei coetanei non è che avessi molti hobby a parte una “fissa” che mi era venuta e cioè l’apnea. L’apnea consiste nel trattenere il respiro il più a lungo possibile dopo aver adeguatamente ventilato i polmoni, al alveoli in order to store as much air and therefore oxygen and then see how many seconds I could hold my breath and then, time after time, trying to resist more and more to see my limits and try to shoot it down constantly.

This happened when I was a child every year at the beach with my parents, who took a house to rent for a whole month, and my passion was to swim, and once bought me a snorkel mask without I began to go under water trying to remain underwater for as long as possible. Finished the month of vacation to continue quest'apnea remember I used to lay on the bed, from time to time, with a wrist watch with second hand and has his eyes rested on it began to hold their breath to see how long I could resist.
I remember the first time passed with barely a minute, then with the passage of time and the continuity of this practice, more and more I increased my limit until it reaches the extreme of two minutes. Once I arrived at two minutes and ten seconds apart that day. It was a morning like any other, it was raining and I did not want to continue studying, or at least wanted to take a break, I lay on the bed and left with a huge determination to cross my personal record.
So after hyperventilation cominciai una nuova apnea, immersi la maggior quantità di aria possibile nei polmoni fino a che li sentii espandersi fino a provocarmi dolore, e via con lo sguardo fisso sull’orologio che effettuò il primo giro di un minuto. Un minuto e trenta secondi: e qui iniziò la prima crisi dove ti viene voglia di lasciar perdere, espellere l’aria e riprendere a respirare normalmente. Ma dovevo battere il mio record e, arrivato a due minuti, sentii il cuore che batteva sempre più velocemente aumentando l’intensità di contrazione fin quasi a sentirlo in gola. Ormai ero allo spasimo, ma decisi di metterci tutto me stesso e di andare avanti per battere il mio record di almeno dieci secondi, portandolo così a due minuti e venti.

Il Giornale Online Well, in those moments time seemed to expand and the latter increasingly become an eternity.
was about to expel the air when suddenly I felt the urge to disappear and I was seized with a sense of euphoria, noting that I could go on without problems, so I did. But two minutes and fifty seconds distinctly heard the end of my heartbeat, and without any fear I thought, "hey, I stopped my heart" for a while and I was under the roof of the chamber, and the high I could clearly see all his furniture, the bed and my body stretched out on it, with eyes open and they look at the clock, and thought "how nice." I felt for the first time freely and without fear, free with the understanding that the body was none other than a cage that had imprisoned the real me, and the new reality of not having had the most sublime feeling that all the best that we could know in life, when added together in intensity, could not be more than a grain of sand in the desert compared to the well-being that I was living. Suddenly I saw above me appear, or open a tunnel from which I was sucked in, almost without realizing it.
And so on, into it, and whirling faster and faster as I felt other presences around me. I remember it was a colore simile alle crema del gelato e vidi che alla sua fine, in lontananza, c’era una luce che diventava sempre più forte ed intensa. Più mi avvicinavo ad essa e maggiore era la sensazione di gioia e benessere che provavo, così come la voglia di raggiungerla il prima possibile. Improvvisamente si ruppe o si aprì un varco nel tunnel e sentii una o più forze che mi spinsero lì, ed io non avevo la forza o la capacità di oppormi.
Mi trovai così fuori dal tunnel, avvolto in un nero così intenso e profondo da avermi dato la sensazione che mi sarei potuto disperdere in esso con la conseguente morte di me come energia vitale. In quel buio senza confini di spazio, in quanto privo di materia, fui assalito da un senso di fear and anguish indescribable. I remember that I let out a big yell of despair inside myself when I was immediately grabbed by the entities that had driven me out there as if they formed a long chain between them. I calmed down and I was invited to see. And I saw. What? Everything. I saw clearly that source of energy (the same that I saw from inside the tunnel to its end) in its entirety. She was alive, pulsating and vibrant, connected to a different dimension from that of matter to the universes that interact with it. I felt all through this energy, it was as if I could pass him and reveling in all the excitement inherent to experience them and understand them, I felt like opening a memory that was lost from the time of my birth, and the entry of my life energy into my body.
continued this "journey" right into the universes, from the macrocosm to the microcosm through the maze of tiny matter. I have talked about the trip, do not really know whether it was a flash of a millisecond, a regain of lost memory or something else, but the concept of time was certainly not the same as that which we perceive here with the matter. Think of a patient who suddenly wakes up in a coma after an accident years and remember all my life previous to it. Well, for me it was so.
leaders or remembered the fact, because of the birth in a body, where it came from and where I andato dopo la mia morte corporea. Nulla aveva più segreti, ma sapeste quant’è difficile spiegare in termini di dimensioni tridimensionali e di materia (mondo in cui tutti viviamo) che ci porta a pensare ed a vedere in questi termini solamente altre dimensioni completamente diverse dalla nostra, se non adimensionali in quanto prive di materia.
Volendo provare a fare questo sforzo, è quindi obbligatorio fare esempi che portino a pensare alle tre dimensioni (più il tempo) che noi viviamo e percepiamo. Quella fonte di energia che chiamiamo Dio era costituita da luce e vibrazione, luce bianca di un’intensità e qualità non riscontrabile nel nostro mondo. Nella sua parte più esterna vibrava in maniera almost imperceptible, but it was palpabilissimo sense of peace, prosperity and happiness than being in it extrinsic. Now that described above, it is not composed of matter, say, for our comfort, better able to understand three-dimensional level, which is like a globe with matters related to the size of the universe through these tunnels exist that interact between the two different sizes, taking energy from the bodies of all the most diverse species is expelled to return them to their death in the world energy supply. Once it reached the "world power" is in its outer part where you have a sense of calm and well-being due to a low vibration intensità che lo caratterizza, per andare progressivamente sempre più al suo interno grazie alla continua quantità di energia che arriva incessantemente nella parte esterna da altre energie di corpi-materia che hanno concluso il loro ciclo spingendo all’interno quella che vi era prima giunta.

Il Giornale Online Con l’avanzamento all’interno del globo, si va incontro ad un progressivo e costante aumento della frequenza di vibrazione che provoca in maniera direttamente proporzionale l’aumento della percezione del piacere, fino a che si raggiunge il nucleo centrale della struttura energetica, dove le vibrazioni arrivano alla massima frequenza facendo fondere per poi riamalgamare una quantità “X” delle each unit of energy (as many small balls of mercury that are suddenly in contact with each other to become one with the other) that implode and then explode violently (and this is where you test the maximum pleasure of orgasm), crossing the globe in all its directions and then get it into individual units of energy coming in fetuses of several species of all the "surrounding universe." While the other energy that is the globe, testing, and also takes pleasure in and hear through the violent explosions that occur in the nucleus. To help you better understand you can find a similarity with the stars, through le esplosioni che avvengono nel loro nucleo, espellono tramite lunghe lingue di fuoco parte della loro materia distribuendola poi nello spazio circostante.
Per quanto riguarda gli universi, con il trascorrere del tempo la quantità di materia che li formano, risucchiata dai buchi neri, diminuisce ogni qualvolta si scontrano tra loro galassie che ospitano al loro centro degli enormi buchi neri massivi, quieti ed inermi fino all’impatto delle galassie.
Difatti quando queste entrano in collisione i buchi neri che sono al loro interno si fondono in uno unico più grande che si riattiva assorbendo moltissima materia delle due galassie per poi ridiventare inerme sino alla prossima collisone. Questa continua diminuzione di materia porta inevitabilmente the decrease of the planets that harbor life, and together with the decrease of energy that goes into that universe energy from the globe. In addition to the gradual reduction of the material, which leads to a decrease in the force of gravity, a few billion years after the Big Bang explosion we are witnessing a huge espansionale acceleration of the universe that constantly increases with time exponentially, thanks to ' dark energy that takes over the force of gravity exerted by dark and ordinary matter.
At the end of the universe (flat with many ripples in its outer edges) will be expanded so that the 'dark energy subirà un indebolimento e la forza gravitazionale degli ammassi galattici sarà ininfluente verso gli altri per l’enorme distanza. A quel punto la forza di gravità supererà quella dell’ energia oscura e le galassie si scontreranno tra loro formando buchi neri sempre più grandi e risucchieranno la materia e loro stessi fino alla fine dell’universo che si spegnerà gradatamente, affievolendosi fino a spegnere del tutto la sua luce come un fuoco d’artificio.
Esaurita la materia, si assisterà alla contrazione di tutta l’ energia oscura dell’universo in un unico punto (come quando si spegne un vecchio televisore) per poi migrare in un altro spazio innescando a new Big Bang, giving rise to the emergence of a new universe. But, back to the single unit of energy, if we think of cell mitosis from its beginning, and that is when egg and sperm meet to form a cell which then begins to multiply by mitosis (through its division) and then differentiate until the formation of 'embryo, this would still inert matter if at some point it does not enter into the energy that makes it animate. The whole experience of my experience has been like to watch film of a two-hour movie in a second, but managed to perceive the movie in its entirety. A flash
which reopened my memory (or at least part of it) so that the description of events that last billion years, contracted in a single storm event.
If you you were at a point distant from existing universes and contraeste time billions of years in a few seconds to watch a fireworks display like that of fireworks, an explosion in space that generates light and decreased d ' intensity escaping into space until it disappears, followed by another explosion due to the emergence of other universes. The matter of the universe is sucked, as we previously said, the holes blacks. They are formed in the early moments of the Big Bang, but of infinitesimal size. Over time, we said that increase in number and size but what of the matter that they suck? From my "observatory off the tunnel" I saw that they, in their final part was white and expelling the material sucked in transforming energy (energy of course different from that which animates the body-subject). This energy
, several holes blacks of various universes, is concentrated at a point X in a new space until it reaches a critical point of quantity and density that makes it vibrate faster and faster until it implodes, then in then explode to form a new Biga Bang, and then a new universe. As you can see there is a similarity between the explosion of world energy in the nucleus and the formation of universes, lo scorrere accelerato del tempo di farebbe assistere continuamente al formarsi e morire di universi. Il mio ricordo dentro il microcosmo è invece confuso, comunque non riuscirei mai a descrivere, scrivendole, le diverse dimensioni che si formano nell’infinitesimamente piccolo. È come essere dentro una busta di carta accartocciata e/o arrotolata in più punti, dove la parte più piccola della materia, o stringhe si può descrivere come un coriandolo di carnevale, che si chiama stella filante, arrotolata su se stessa e che srotolandosi si allunga a dismisura aumentando la sua vibrazione in maniera proporzionale al suo allungamento.
Dopo aver riaperto la mia memoria, mi sono sentito tirare violentemente dentro il tunnel e ricordo che volevo andare verso la luce, ma sentii una voce che mi disse: “sei troppo giovane per morire adesso”, e come per darmi conforto vidi l’immagine del dolore di mio padre e mia madre nel trovarmi morto nel letto. Mi sentii tirare giù nel tunnel ed in un attimo mi ritrovai dentro il corpo, gettai l’aria fuori dai polmoni, feci un nuovo respiro e sentii il mio cuore che riprese a battere. Ero sconcertato, non sapevo se essere felice per ciò che avevo visto, provato e vissuto, o infelice per essere rientrato nel corpo senza aver raggiunto la luce.
Eppure avevo avuto una risposta a tutti i quesiti che da sempre assillano l’uomo: chi sono; da dove vengo; dove andrò dopo la morte; se mi sto illudendo che sopravvivrò to it or if the death of the whole body ceases permanently. No, not just me giving a response to all this to feel pleased with this experience. Now the predominant feeling was to feel caged in my body, in space and time, even for a transitional period that saw up there was a mere illusion, an insignificant moment, but lived in this reality, or dimension, is perceived in a very different nature.
think that at that age I was young and indestructible, and when I saw the old people could not conceive that even for me, time would be spent and that fate, death was inevitable and inexorable. But now, not now expect nothing but the suo trascorrere per poter portare a termine il ciclo dentro il mio corpo che mi avrebbe restituito alla vita vera. Le cose per me si erano invertite, come se nella vita corporea ci fosse la morte o la limitazione al benessere dell’energia che mi ci fa vivere dentro e solo nella morte corporea essa comincia a vivere veramente ed a beneficiare del vero piacere. Tutto questo mi stava inevitabilmente portando ad un’evoluzione o, meglio ancora, diversificazione del modo di vivere e pensare degli altri. Ricordo che dopo pochi anni che avevo vissuto quell’esperienza morirono a distanza di poco tempo, l’uno dall’altro, due miei cugini, e quando mi diedero la notizia della loro morte rimasi impassibile, anzi, ero invidioso che loro avessero compiuto this cycle before me and I considered them lucky because I did not know and still do not know how long I'll stay inside this cage body.
But I have to live with, make the best of a bad fate, mediate my existence on earth with others and with their different approaches to life, sorry to my family for the death of their loved ones, go to a funeral and enter church to pray knowing that everything is un'emerita idiocy. This media trial went forward in time, so I got married, but I remember that I did not want children because they conceived of caged energy into other bodies. Over time I succumbed to the mediation with my wife, reflecting on the fact that the construction and design of all that exists because it was so desired by us. I do not never went to him to tell others about this experience for fear of not being believed or of being taken for a madman. On the other hand thirty years ago are still not talking about Big Bang, then imagine other universes!

How could I express and conceptualize what I had seen since it was not known even if the universe is finite or infinite? But I remember once I started talking about religion there, my concepts are processed more quickly. Today, perhaps with the findings of the holes of the blacks and the existence of the multiverse hypothesis has gained the time for Who is going to read this story experiential may have greater flexibility and openness.
The other reason why I decided to tell my experience is that I had bypassed the main obstacle: it was more important than whether or not to believe in what I had experienced, but what mattered was the new conception, development and openness , which will open invities strong conflict with yourself and with others, and that inevitably will arise after reading the scientific arguments in support of quantum mechanics and confirmation of this experience. Let's talk about our reality in fact illusory: the holographic universe or multiverse the nature of "matter", or rather the ondaparticella generated by the rotation of the strings.

Alessandro De Angelis

"Extract from the book" Beyond the mind of God "

taken from other newspaper

Monday, December 27, 2010

An Acrostic Poem For Canada


Sempre per lo stesso swap natalizio , la mia abbinata era la carissima Terry ..... non immaginate la mia ansia, lei è veramente brava e volevo preparare qualcosa che le piacesse, che fosse di suo gusto
così ho pensato ad un free molto natalizio , visto il tema dello swap, al quale ho aggiunto qualche decorazione in feltro poichè ora ho un pò di problemini alla mano destra e mi riesce molto difficile ricamare....

... una renna cicciottella, una stella con un angioletto di gesso , e un Christmas heart ...
Tutte cose molto semplici, ma sicuramente preparate e pensate con il cuore!

A presto!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doctors Shecking Pines

prepare the arrival of UFOs Pinotti: foolish and arrogant to think that Earth is inhabited only


Messina (12/16/2010)
Angela Briguglio
"A definite visual phenomenon: the world people from different walks of life have seen these" unidentified flying objects, " usually roundish shape ("a record") that have no limits of space, which also move in a zigzag or vertical, and with amazing speed (features that may not be reproduced by a plane). While flying through the air to the wings, UFOs, which are devoid of any support for these kind of effects can fly "antigravitativi". " He speaks so Roberto Pinotti, Secretary General of the National UFO Center and one of the world's foremost experts in the study of this controversial issue in his speech during the conference "And looking at the stars" which was held yesterday in the hall of the bag Chamber of Commerce. The meeting, born of the positive and constructive cooperation between the Kiwanis Club of Messina Peloro and Cun, saw, also, the participation of Antonio Morreale, director of the peloritana Cun, Andrea Pullo, Kiwanis president, Attilio comforting, Regional Coordinator Cun Sicilia, David Ferrara, head of the provincial Cun eastern Sicily, Gianfilippo Muscianisi, past president of Kiwanis Europe and, finally, Salvatore Sciliberto, chairman of the conference. Morreale, asking the audience to empathize and try to assume the role of extraterrestrials has pointed out, "looking at us earthlings, ufo probably have decided for now not to" know " and not to make their service to our enormous technological power with the fear that could be used for belligerent purposes. "

Muscianisi, reconnecting to the intervention of the Morreale, said that "UFOs might also look at the positive in our land, because, as if the Vatican says we are all children of one Father and we are not only negative '. Pullia, however, starting from the Vatican, which in the past two to three years has repeatedly held that "the aliens exist and that are God's children like us," was, in theory, aimed at skeptics, asking them this question: "What sense would it make if we were more galaxies alone in the world? ". Ferrara comforting and reviewed some sightings, then categorized as "unexplained phenomena" and there have been local cases such as the sighting in 2002 in Mascalucia, on the slopes of Etna, by an aircraft pilot who was in the car, two objects flying erratically and thirty seconds later have dissolved into thin air at an incredible speed. O ancoraquando in Canneto, a village of Carona, midway between Palermo and Messina, in 2004, unexplained fire broke out. Electric cables and mattresses were burnt from the inside, caught fire appliances with no trace of flammable material. In più molte persone hanno detto di aver visto strane luci in mare che sispostavano sotto la superficie dell'acqua e oggetti in cielo a forma discoidale. Pinotti si è soffermato sulla questione politica, evidenziando come «gli Usa abbiano secretato tantissimi documenti sugli ufo, negando sempre la presenza di dati scientifici che, invece, – è importante sottolinearlo – ci sono e attestano la presenza di vita extraterrestre. Gli americani hanno gestito la situazione attuando la cosiddetta tecnica del debunking, (la confutazione di una tesi) ma, nello stesso momento, utilizzando anche la tecnica del training (preparando, sottilmente, tramite il cinema di Hollywood, la televisione e altre metodologie, il popolo alla possibile presenza di Ufo). Altri governi hanno scelto una via diversa, come ad esempio il governo inglese e quello francese (che ha criticato apertamente il modo in cui gli Usa hanno affrontato la questione). Questi paesi infatti da tempo hanno deciso di non mettere la testa sotto la sabbia e di informare le persone. Ci si chiederà il perché di questo diverso approccio agli Ufo. La risposta è che gli Usa che sono la forza dominatrice mondiale, qualora gli Ufo si "palesassero" perderebbero il loro potere politico sul resto del pianeta. In più uscirebbe fuori il fatto che in tutti questi anni il popolo è stato sempre informato erroneamente e preso in giro per un gioco di potere». In conclusione, Pinotti si è detto fiducioso che questo system will change and said with conviction that "as we have seen the man on the moon and at the end of the Soviet empire, we will see even in the presence of UFOs on earth."

Source: Official South online

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Are Ashton And Demi Still Married


Scientists the Space Research Institute (Institute of Space Research) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) have reported to be in contact with extraterrestrial beings. The Bulgarian
Novinar Daily reported that the Bulgarian scientists are currently working on deciphering the pictograms that are said to have come in form of so-called "crop circles" in which aliens have responded to 30 questions posed by researchers from the BAS.
" There are all around us, watching us always. They are not hostile towards us, rather they want to help us, but we are not old enough to establish direct contact with them. They are ready to help but nonn know what to ask them in case of contact , "said Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as quoted by Novinar Daily.

Filipov said that even the Vatican agrees to the fact that aliens exist. In his words, means that humans can not establish contact with extraterrestrials through radio waves rather through the power of thought.
Filipov said that the human race is on the way to direct contact with aliens, which will take place over the next 10-15 years.
The deputy head of the Institute of Space Research Bulgarian (Bulgarian Space Research Institute) has also told the Daily Novinar that extraterrestrials are critical of the unethical behavior of people , referring to with this interferenzaa human in the natural processes
Filipov's team is - it is said, by analyzing 150 new cerchi di grano che sono apparsi sul pianeta l'anno scorso.
Il fatto che il Novinar Daily abbia pubblicato la notizia dei ricercatori BAS che comunicano con gli alieni , arriva proprio nel mezzo di una controversia sul ruolo, la fattibilità e la riforma della Accademia Bulgara delle Scienze, controversia che la scorsa settimana ha portato ad un scambio offensivo di commenti tra il Ministro bulgaro delle Finanze, Simeon Djankov e il Presidente Georgi Parvanov.

fonte: Cafè Humanitè

traduzione Cristina Bassi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Subserous Fibroid In Anterior Myometrium

The universe is a mandala

di Elsa Nityama Masetti

Secondo il fisico Antony Garrett Lisi l'universo ha una forma graifica ben precisa that comes close to that of a huge mandala ...

Stephen Hawking said when asked which of all the cosmologies conceived by scientists in the last half century, was the real one: "I have them all."
One of the most ancient and universal, designed by someone, it is certainly the harmonious Mandala. The oldest known so far is a "solar wheel" Palaeolithic discovery in South Africa. The newest is the theoretical physicist Antony Garrett Lisi.
"The universe could have a clear graphical form." This says Antony Garrett Lisi fisico “singolare” che da qualche mese fa parlare di se. E se c’è l’ha, quanto è vero il suo modello unificato - è quella di un Mandala. Della serie: i tibetani la sanno lunga? Fin troppo, sono convinti i cinesi!
Lisi, però, l’ha chiamato E8, come lo schema matematico a cui si rifà il suo modello. Si tratta di una “struttura” di 248 punti che incorpora le simmetrie di una geometria a 57 dimensioni ed è esso stesso a 248 dimensioni, della serie sembra tondo, ma ha 248 lati, come il più fine dei diamanti.
Ecco come lo definisce Garrett: «Quello che sono riuscito a fare è descrivere tutte quelle particelle, includendo la gravità, quali parts of a single field, with a single gauge of clumping. And then I discovered that this caliber is the E8, perhaps one of the most beautiful structures in mathematics. " In fact, to make his simple theory of everything is the use of only one time dimension and three space, a little something simple from mathematical point of view. This is stuff that so few understand, and then, a fortiori, following your intuition, you should go to see better what it says on the mandala.

Mandala is said ... According to Wiki (not my sister, but wikipedia): "is a Sanskrit word that means circle or cycle. You see associated with the culture (see RigVeda, scritture che risalgono alla notte tempi), e molto assai a quella tibetana (aggiungo io). Il termine Mandala è usato anche per indicare un disegno composto dall'associazione di diverse figure geometriche, le più usate delle quali sono il punto, il triangolo, il cerchio ed il quadrato”.
Se si guardano le animazioni della teoria del surfista - sport che Garrett preferisce a quelli solitamente adottati nei laboratori accademici - come appaiono sul video del New Scientist , non si può che rimanere affascinati. Elettroni, protoni, neutrini, quark e antiquark sono indicati, guarda caso, da piccoli triangoli e cerchi di colori diversi che, in una elegante quanto ordinata danza, si scompongono and reassembled in what could be the second Lee Smolin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, "the great insight."
"It's one of the best models of unification that I have ever seen in many, many years" - said Smolin, fresh out of fresh. Apart from the fact that after the surrender of Hawking's theories will turn out as a unifying croissants, one wonders if Professor Smolin never put his nose out of his lab, because of such models, unifying and well, you see them for ages!
Scientists, however, you know, are the discovery of the algorithm that explains everything, once and for all. Sometimes, if it were not for the "noble mania" and the measurement equation totocontenente one gets the impression of being in front of the so-called discovery of the 'hot water', which, however, always according to the Ayurvedic healing system is just that good for everything except the pharmaceutical industry.
On the other hand, nose in the laboratory is our body surfer, climber and explorer (of jungles and forests) that Dr. Lisi without it. He seems to have good time in a long walk on the waves and the mountains. Maybe it's just when is the top one or the other, in that instant and ubiquitous one in which the eye embraces the whole in a unifying vision, which is seized by intuition ... math!
It says on the Mandala, also on Wiki: "The Mandala represents the Buddhists the process by which the cosmos was formed from its center ... they recognize, however, that the true Mandala can only be mental." The images or physical materials such as sand colored material used to build the mandala only for the period of religious practice. Completed, the Mandala is simply destroyed, sweeping away the sand that make up. This gesture to commemorate the continuing mutability and transience of things, their potential yet.
Garrett Lisi is waiting for the experiments at CERN confirm his theory, before destroying it or not his.
We hope that Science, one with a capital letter, as usual, do not insist!

The article is from Science and Knowledge No 24 .

Source: Science and Knowledge

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A/c Strangle Women Movie

discovered a huge lake

discovered a huge lake
Geology and Science news
December 2010

Geologists have identified, using radar images transmitted from the Space Shuttle, a vast lake in the Egyptian Sahara.

Deserto del Sahara The news is not all that new, since, by many, and known the existence of large bodies of water over the Sahara Desert.
To be precise, much has been written about a large inland lake, around which there was a thick, lush vegetation, various animal species has now disappeared, and peoples who lived along its banks. Maybe those people who, with the advance of drought, have over time moved to the north rise to the birth of Egyptian civilization.
This would be a larger lake of Lake Erie, west of the Nile.
The news published in the December issue of "Geology" and "Science" on December 18, 2010, vol. 178. The origin of
lago risalirebbe a 250.000 anni fa; nel corso del tempo si sarebbe poi ridotto fino a essere ricoperto dalla sabbia a causa del vento del deserto.

Lago ripreso dallo spazio Le carte topografiche dimostrerebbero che la sua massima estensione avrebbe coperto oltre 68.000 chilometri quadrati. Sono stati rilevati anche altri grandi laghi in Ciad, Libia e Sudan presenti nel corso degli ultimi 250.000 anni.
Numerosi i fossili di pesci rinvenuti nel deserto.
La notizia, diramata adesso, era conosciuta dal 2000, quando gli astronauti della navetta Endeavour lo avevano visto attraverso un radar capace di scattare foto ad alta risoluzione.
Le immagini sono state analizzate di recente con lo scopo di capire come l'acqua avrebbe drenato l'Africa nord-orientale nel corso degli ultimi 100 mila anni. I ricercatori hanno individuato in tal modo, in una regione conosciuta come Tushka ad ovest della Valle del Nilo, una zona dove l'acqua si sarebbe riunita stazionando, in conseguenza dello straripamento del Nilo, formando un lago lungo 350 chilometri fino al confine che oggi è del Sudan. Le forti piogge a cui era soggetta quella zona avrebbero favorito lo sviluppo del lago.

a cura di Mauro Paoletti

fonte: Edicolaweb

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Happeened To Tawnee Stone

The Resurrection of Atlantis


Il Giornale Online Mentre si trovava in profonda sintonia con la Coscienza Universale, circondato da sei atlantidei reincarnati who were looking for details, Edgar Cayce calmly described the amazing rise and tragic fall of this ancient culture. He explained that he was Atlantis rising from the depths of people's minds, because the group of souls who had lived in Atlantis was reincarnated in the world, "that is only part of the whole universe of God." (633-2 )
The story told Cayce was a huge country stretching from the "Gulf of Mexico on one side and the Mediterranean on the other." (1159-1) was populated by souls who kept their heavenly consciousness. He explained how difficult it is for us today to understand che questa gente era sensitiva in modo naturale, con quale facilità controllava le forze della natura. (364-10) Usava persino le forze cosmiche per risolvere i suoi bisogni materiali. (1602-3)
Col tempo gli atlantidei si divisero in due gruppi distinti, l’uno motivato dagli interessi egoistici e dalla libertà personale assoluta e l’altro dal desiderio di collaborare con ciò che conoscevano come un’unica Forza Creativa e Coscienza Collettiva invisibile. Quest’ultimo gruppo fu noto come i Figli della Legge dell’Uno, il primo come i Figli di Belial. (1962-2 e 2282-1)

Inizialmente la differenza fra questi due gruppi fu sottile, a tal punto che alcuni membri on both sides went back and forth between the two. But over time, the difference became deeper and the Sons of Belial wrested control of the country and the people of the Law of the Children to govern with strength and power, rather than the collective will of the people and divine power. The Sons of Belial changed the development of cosmic ray Atlantean transmuting this energy of life-sustaining device into a death ray. (440-3 and 364-11)
Unfortunately they had lost much of their cosmic harmony does not properly develop the device, creating a destructive vibration of recoil from the depths of Mother Earth, which triggered the first great flood of what Cayce called the "Eden of the world." (364-4) The reaction was so violent that the great continent of Atlantis fragmented into five major islands. (877-26) The largest of these was Poseida, stretching from the Bahamas to the Sargasso Sea. For now you can find a set of testimony in a temple submerged Atlantean Poseida.
"The testimonies of the ways of construction of the same [crystal that produced the radius] are in three places on earth, as it is today: in the submerged parts of Atlantis or Poseida, where some of the temples may yet be discovered under the mud of centuries sea water - near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. "(440-5)
The other two sites are in Egypt and the Yucatan. Cayce said that these rooms contain evidence of "a testimony of Atlantis beginning in those periods when the Spirit took form and began the" caging "[events in the physical body] in that country and the development of people during their stay, with the first witness of the destruction and the changes that took place in the country, with the testimony of living of people in various activities in other countries ... "(378-16)
Cayce predicted that the temple submerged off the coast of Bimini and Florida "will rise again e sta di nuovo risorgendo.”
( 2012 -1)
I membri e gli amici dell’A.R.E. hanno cercato questo tempio sommerso per molto tempo. Hanno raccolto molti dati e trovato alcune cose di ciò che Cayce aveva descritto. La ricerca continua anche oggi.

Venture Inward, gennaio/febbraio 2009


tratto da: Altro Giornale

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Spark Plug Wiring 97 Mustang 3.8

the end of time

clip_image001 Alla fine dei tempi, miliardi di persone furono portate su di una grande pianura davanti al trono di Dio. Molti indietreggiarono davanti in that glow. But some in the front row so they talked excitedly. Not with awe, but do provocative.
"Can God judge us? But what does he know about suffering? "Snapped a young woman. He rolled up his sleeve to show the number tattooed a Nazi concentration camp. "We have suffered terror, beatings, torture and death."
In another group showed a young black man's neck. "And what about this?" He asked showing signs of a rope. "Lynched. For no other crime except that of being a black man. "
In another deployment was a student pregnant with eyes worn. "Why should I suffer?" He murmured. "It was not my fault."
Further on in the plain were hundreds of these groups. Each of them had to do the blame God for evil and suffering He had permitted in this world.
How lucky God was to live in a place where all was sweetness and splendor, where there was no crying or pain, hunger or hatred. That God knew everything that the man had to endure in this world? God leads a very easy life, they said.

Each group sent out its representative, scelto per aver sofferto in misura maggiore. Un ebreo, un nero, una vittima di Hiroshima, un artritico orribilmente deformato, un bimbo cerebroleso. Si radunarono al centro della pianura per consultarsi tra loro. Alla fine erano pronti a presentare il loro caso. Era una mossa intelligente.
Prima di poter essere in grado di giudicarli, Dio avrebbe dovuto sopportare tutto quello che essi avevano sopportato. Dio doveva essere condannato a vivere sulla terra.
"Fatelo nascere ebreo. Fate che la legittimità della sua nascita venga posta in dubbio. Dategli un lavoro tanto difficile che, quando lo intraprenderà, persino la sua famiglia pensi che debba essere impazzito. Fate che venga tradito dai suoi amici più intimi. Fate che debba face charges, to be tried by a jury to be false and convicted by a cowardly judge. Make it tortured. Finally, have them understand what it means to feel terribly alone. Then let it die. Let it die in a way that there can be no doubt about his death. Let us be witnesses to verify this. "
While each representative announced its part of speech, murmurs of approval rose from the crowd of people gathered.
When the last had finished there was a long silence. No one dared say a word. Why suddenly everyone realized that God had already fulfilled all the conditions.

Author: Bruno Ferrero - Paper: Only the wind knows

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kidney Infection Recovery Time

Video chat live

I received today via e-mail this story from a reader named Sara, who works at RTI Mediaset Interactive Media, thank you for the alert and to have it , shared with us:

Wednesday, November 24 at 14.30 there will be a Live Video Chat (Open Studio) and Gabriella Simoni and ufologist Sabrina Pierce,

( -web/Gabriella_Simoni_in_videochat.shtml )

for all fans of UFOs, but also for the curious who want to discover more about the numerous cases of unidentified objects and avvistamenti!!

È possibile inviare delle domande direttamente all'Ufologa dal form che trovi sul sito

Mercoledì risponderà in diretta web a tutte le nostre curiosità!!!

Inoltre vi ricordo che è possibile rivedere  gratuitamente la puntata di Live, “UFO: X-FILES D’ITALIA” del 19 Novembre

Un lungo viaggio nel mondo degli oggetti non identificati alla discovery of the many sightings that are studied in the Air Force headquarters in Rome, pictures of the visit to the "crop circle" of Poirino and testament of Zecharia Sitchin, author speculated that the existence of divine figures whose facial features are features alien .

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Biggest The School Boobs

open study at Oxford University will talk about UFO

Il Giornale Online On November 24, 2010 will hold a conference at Oxford University on the theme " UFOs: The Secret History." It will be a lesson about 60 minutes conducted by Robert Hastings where he will talk about the connection of Unidentified Flying Objects and missile sites and weapons depots nuclear.
This is based on hundreds of documents declassified through the Freedom Of Informaction Act (FOIA) and related agencies like the American FBI. U.S. Air Force and CIA, as well as the testimonies of about 120 former U.S. military personnel interviewed by Hastings. The documents confirm that not only were UFOs exist, but it is also noted that these mysterious aerial objects are a top concern for the U.S. Air Force and the various U.S. intelligence agencies. Consequently, the documents are a total contradiction to the frequent public denials of the reality of UFO issued over the years by official spokesmen in Washington.

In particular, documents relating to UFO that have repeatedly violated the airspace of highly sensitive nuclear weapons sites, including the Los Alamos Laboratory, where nuclear weapons are designed. Other documents refer to UFO hovering above nuclear missile launch silos and storage bins on nuclear bombs. Still others refer to UFO aerial interception by fighter aircraft.
On 27 September 2010, Hastings has co-sponsored the press conference in Washington DC at the National Press Club entitled "Connecting UFOs and nuclear weapons", in which seven people who have worked for the U.S. Air Force have disclosed any direct or indirect knowledge of incidents involving UFOs activities and sites with nuclear weapons during the Cold War. The media event was broadcast live on CNN and countless articles and reports of the event appeared all over the world.
One of the participants of the press conference, retired USAF Colonel Charles Halt, spoke of involvement in the famous UFO incident that occurred in Rendlesham Forest / RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, in December 1980. Halt said that one of UFO hovered briefly near the base Nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA) and directed the laser, as fasci di luce verso il basso o vicino ad esso.
Hasting ha intervistato un certo numero di ex poliziotti alla sicurezza dell'USAF che hanno testimoniato della presenza di UFO al WSA di Bentwaters, in più di una notte, così come quella di due persone in servizio presso la torre di controllo del traffico aereo della base dove hanno registrato attività UFO per una settimana, che hanno confermato l'inseguimento di un oggetto aereo anomalo sul radar. Uno dei controllori, Ike Barker, ha osservato un velivolo sferico di colore arancione dalla finestra.
Hastings è anche apparso sulla CNN al "Larry King Show Live" il 18 luglio 2008, assieme ad ex ufficiali della US Air Force who were involved in accidents UFO on nuclear weapons. Two of them, the official launch missiles Robert Salas and the officer of the reporting objectives Robert Jamison, said that mysteriously 10 Minuteman missiles went completely out of commission for a malfunctioning just as a UFO was spotted floating over the area of launch control of flight outside of Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, in March 1967. Hastings spoke to other Air Force personnel rockets that have described the same offense in other missile bases in the U.S. Air Force.
Hastings, a professor and UFO researcher independent, said that his interest UFO's also began in 1967 when he was present at the air traffic control tower at Malmstrom, during which there was a period of two weeks of intermittent activity UFO missile base sites. "One night five UFO was tracked by radar for several minutes," he says, "and fighters were scrambled to intercept. Later I learned from the U.S. Air Force, when the fighters came was to intercept them visually, the UFO conducted a vertical climb and left the area with tremendous speed, far beyond the capabilities of any known aircraft. "
Since that incident, Hasting ha dedicato ore e ore alla ricerca sugli UFO e le risposte di copertura da parte del Governo USA. Ha parlato in più di 500 college e università americane dal 1981, nel tentativo di fornire al pubblico le intriganti informazioni che lui ed altri ricercatori hanno ottenuto. Il suo libro " UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclears Weapons Sites" è disponibile presso il suo sito.
"Io non sto condannando qualsiasi agenzia governativa per la loro politica di segretezza nei confronti degli UFO ", dice Hasting, "ma credo che il pubblico americano, e la gente ovunque, dovrebbe essere informato sui fatti".
Dal 1988 al 2002, Hastings è stato impiegato come analista di laboratorio alla Philips Semiconductors di Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ora che è in pensione si dedica a tempo pieno alle indagini sugli UFO .
Traduzione a cura del Centro Ufologico Ionico

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Cook Frozen Pre Cooked Calamari

We can predict the future? At Cornell University believe that precognition is possible


Il Giornale Online A molti di noi è familiare il concetto di precognizione, la facoltà (fino ad ora solo presunta) di conoscere il futuro. Molti sono stati i tentativi di trovare una dimostrazione alla possibilità di poter prevedere un evento che deve ancora verificarsi, ma fino ad ora non si sono trovate prove concludenti sulla realtà di questo fenomeno. I ricercatori della Cornell University hanno ora messo in evidenza alcune prove, che loro definiscono significative, sul fatto che l'uomo possa davvero leggere il futuro. Sono passati da scettici a possibilisti riguardo alla precognizione, cosa che non accade di certo tutti i giorni quando si intreccia scienza e paranormale.
Secondo Daryl Bem, ricercatore della Cornell University, la precognizione potrebbe essere un fenomeno reale. In un recente studio dal titolo "Feeling the Future", che verrà presto pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vengono presented empirical evidence of how, in some cases, humans can directly perceive the future, and not only predict based on past experience.
The most interesting thing is that the evidence Bem provides on its website allows you to replicate the experiment independently.
must first distinguish between precognition and premonition: the first is a conscious perception of the future, while the second is a view of unconscious events that have yet to occur. As Bem says on the summary of his study:

"The term 'psi' denotes anomalous processes of transfer of information or energy that are currently unexplained in terms of physical and biological mechanisms known. Two variants of psychic phenomena have precognition and premonition of a future event that may be anticipated based on experience. Precognition and premonition are special cases of a more general phenomenon. "
Bem has conducted a series of nine experiments on more than 1000 students at Cornell University, experiments based on a common methodology, which gave statistically significant results, although definitely not write the word "end" on a long question concerning the existence of precognition. Bem is not a paranormal investigator, and during the course of his academic career was not interested in the topic rarely. He dedicates it to personality psychology and physics. The research on psi powers began through one of his hobby, magic. In the early '90s Bem was invited to the Psychophysical Research Laboratories to evaluate some research on the paranormal, as skeptical. But after some more accurate studies have increasingly begun to be interested in this type of phenomena, some come to regard as genuine, or at least worthy of attention.
The series of experiments conducted by Bem precognition has certainly some bizarre note. The first experiment is based on the perception of erotic stimuli from the future: in particular, studenti hanno dovuto tentare di percepire se un'immagine erotica sarebbe o meno comparsa in una specifica posizione. "Cento studenti della Cornell, 50 femmine e 50 maschi" spiega Bem nella sua pubblicazione, "sono stati reclutati per questo esperimento. [...] Questo esperimento richiede circa 20 minuti ed è interamente condotto da un computer. Si chiede prima di rispondere ad un paio di brevi domande, per poi mostrare su uno schermo le immagini di due tende affiancate. Una di queste tende nasconde un'immagine, mentre l'altra nasconde uno sfondo vuoto. Gli studenti hanno dovuto cliccare sulla tenda che [secondo le loro percezioni] nascondeva l'immagine [...] per un totale di 36 tentativi in tutto. Diverse immagini contained explicit erotic images. "
Council to read the original article for more detailed information on the setup of this experiment. Let the results:
- Participants have discovered the location of hidden erotic images in 53.1% of cases, beyond the limits of chance (50%)
- On the contrary, with images from erotic content, the participants scored a score of 49.8%.
Although 53% may seem a trivial percentage (one would expect from a true "early", a 95%. Apart from the fact that 3% more than a result of pure randomness is not, in My humble opinion as significant), it must be remembered that this first experiment, only one of nine conducted by Bem, not as subjects who had boasted psychic powers, but people who are quite "normal." Let me be clear from the results of experiments Bem, to say that all psychic powers are real, the pace is very, very long. However, a more complete search on this kind of phenomenon could (on a purely hypothetical) give unexpected results for the skeptics. Or, conversely, could refute those who believe in the existence of phenomena of precognition. But until you investigate extensively on this category of mysterious events, many doubts remain, and the reality (or inability) of the "psi powers" will remain only a matter of debate among fans of the paranormal.

taken from other newspaper

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pottery Barn Lamp Replacement Parts

The 'democracy' land of every time and every place

Hatred makes slaves of that system of power, whose subject is made to believe to be divided into opposing camps, that law is equal for all and to be able to really defend against the abuse of power committed by particular officials, their relatives and even from colleagues and friends ...
It 's time to stop the hypocrisy. Hypocrisy and Democracy
despite rhyme, are not synonymous.
are honest people who should teach it peacefully as possible, to their rulers. State
beside those who suffer injustice courts.
The awakening begins.
Without solidarity among law-abiding citizens there is no democracy.
Without democracy there is no justice.
And there is no freedom without justice.
There will never be.

Honest and dishonest will always be slaves to a system of power that they do not care anything at all.
not a question of right or left. It 'a matter of mentality.
planet whose schools, whose families, whose author is not altruism teach the new generations, and where those who try is ghettoized, ridiculed, criticized, hindered, are destined to live under the rule of oligarchy perennial. In
planets whose dominant forms of life are at a level of psychological development between childhood and adolescence, it can not delegate too much power to a single authority raised, as there is in practice, from any liability and prosecution of damage caused to those who turn to them for justice.
The auditors must be empowered.
But certain factions that fight each other, when it suits them are friends of the controllers, giving him power to do what he wants, so when a mess and ruin the lives of people, who have always absolves them.
do not have to come from another planet to understand, right?
Just be honest with yourself first.
and ask: what kind of future (and present, really wish for myself, my family and the people I love?

source: Adam Kadmon - The Blog of Adam Kadmon

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trowel Depth Stone Wall Tile

Ag Video: The source code version of the Pyramids Extend


Carmen Boulter, PhD
Butterfly Thanks for the translation and subtitling
Introduction: AXE

taken from other newspaper

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Stores Have Lawaway?

Interview with contactee G. Short story Dibitonto

Interview with contact G . Dibitonto known for his "Angels in the spaceship", the book is wonderful for the author's personal experience with higher beings and space ships and their records, both for the teaching of high spiritual level that it reports. By the association that we sincerely thank Saras


fonte:  LanciadiFuoco