Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Happeened To Tawnee Stone

The Resurrection of Atlantis


Il Giornale Online Mentre si trovava in profonda sintonia con la Coscienza Universale, circondato da sei atlantidei reincarnati who were looking for details, Edgar Cayce calmly described the amazing rise and tragic fall of this ancient culture. He explained that he was Atlantis rising from the depths of people's minds, because the group of souls who had lived in Atlantis was reincarnated in the world, "that is only part of the whole universe of God." (633-2 )
The story told Cayce was a huge country stretching from the "Gulf of Mexico on one side and the Mediterranean on the other." (1159-1) was populated by souls who kept their heavenly consciousness. He explained how difficult it is for us today to understand che questa gente era sensitiva in modo naturale, con quale facilità controllava le forze della natura. (364-10) Usava persino le forze cosmiche per risolvere i suoi bisogni materiali. (1602-3)
Col tempo gli atlantidei si divisero in due gruppi distinti, l’uno motivato dagli interessi egoistici e dalla libertà personale assoluta e l’altro dal desiderio di collaborare con ciò che conoscevano come un’unica Forza Creativa e Coscienza Collettiva invisibile. Quest’ultimo gruppo fu noto come i Figli della Legge dell’Uno, il primo come i Figli di Belial. (1962-2 e 2282-1)

Inizialmente la differenza fra questi due gruppi fu sottile, a tal punto che alcuni membri on both sides went back and forth between the two. But over time, the difference became deeper and the Sons of Belial wrested control of the country and the people of the Law of the Children to govern with strength and power, rather than the collective will of the people and divine power. The Sons of Belial changed the development of cosmic ray Atlantean transmuting this energy of life-sustaining device into a death ray. (440-3 and 364-11)
Unfortunately they had lost much of their cosmic harmony does not properly develop the device, creating a destructive vibration of recoil from the depths of Mother Earth, which triggered the first great flood of what Cayce called the "Eden of the world." (364-4) The reaction was so violent that the great continent of Atlantis fragmented into five major islands. (877-26) The largest of these was Poseida, stretching from the Bahamas to the Sargasso Sea. For now you can find a set of testimony in a temple submerged Atlantean Poseida.
"The testimonies of the ways of construction of the same [crystal that produced the radius] are in three places on earth, as it is today: in the submerged parts of Atlantis or Poseida, where some of the temples may yet be discovered under the mud of centuries sea water - near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. "(440-5)
The other two sites are in Egypt and the Yucatan. Cayce said that these rooms contain evidence of "a testimony of Atlantis beginning in those periods when the Spirit took form and began the" caging "[events in the physical body] in that country and the development of people during their stay, with the first witness of the destruction and the changes that took place in the country, with the testimony of living of people in various activities in other countries ... "(378-16)
Cayce predicted that the temple submerged off the coast of Bimini and Florida "will rise again e sta di nuovo risorgendo.”
( 2012 -1)
I membri e gli amici dell’A.R.E. hanno cercato questo tempio sommerso per molto tempo. Hanno raccolto molti dati e trovato alcune cose di ciò che Cayce aveva descritto. La ricerca continua anche oggi.

Venture Inward, gennaio/febbraio 2009


tratto da: Altro Giornale


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