A molti di noi è familiare il concetto di precognizione, la facoltà (fino ad ora solo presunta) di conoscere il futuro. Molti sono stati i tentativi di trovare una dimostrazione alla possibilità di poter prevedere un evento che deve ancora verificarsi, ma fino ad ora non si sono trovate prove concludenti sulla realtà di questo fenomeno. I ricercatori della Cornell University hanno ora messo in evidenza alcune prove, che loro definiscono significative, sul fatto che l'uomo possa davvero leggere il futuro. Sono passati da scettici a possibilisti riguardo alla precognizione, cosa che non accade di certo tutti i giorni quando si intreccia scienza e paranormale.
Secondo Daryl Bem, ricercatore della Cornell University, la precognizione potrebbe essere un fenomeno reale. In un recente studio dal titolo "Feeling the Future", che verrà presto pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vengono presented empirical evidence of how, in some cases, humans can directly perceive the future, and not only predict based on past experience.
The most interesting thing is that the evidence Bem provides on its website allows you to replicate the experiment independently.
must first distinguish between precognition and premonition: the first is a conscious perception of the future, while the second is a view of unconscious events that have yet to occur. As Bem says on the summary of his study:
"The term 'psi' denotes anomalous processes of transfer of information or energy that are currently unexplained in terms of physical and biological mechanisms known. Two variants of psychic phenomena have precognition and premonition of a future event that may be anticipated based on experience. Precognition and premonition are special cases of a more general phenomenon. "
Bem has conducted a series of nine experiments on more than 1000 students at Cornell University, experiments based on a common methodology, which gave statistically significant results, although definitely not write the word "end" on a long question concerning the existence of precognition. Bem is not a paranormal investigator, and during the course of his academic career was not interested in the topic rarely. He dedicates it to personality psychology and physics. The research on psi powers began through one of his hobby, magic. In the early '90s Bem was invited to the Psychophysical Research Laboratories to evaluate some research on the paranormal, as skeptical. But after some more accurate studies have increasingly begun to be interested in this type of phenomena, some come to regard as genuine, or at least worthy of attention.
The series of experiments conducted by Bem precognition has certainly some bizarre note. The first experiment is based on the perception of erotic stimuli from the future: in particular, studenti hanno dovuto tentare di percepire se un'immagine erotica sarebbe o meno comparsa in una specifica posizione. "Cento studenti della Cornell, 50 femmine e 50 maschi" spiega Bem nella sua pubblicazione, "sono stati reclutati per questo esperimento. [...] Questo esperimento richiede circa 20 minuti ed è interamente condotto da un computer. Si chiede prima di rispondere ad un paio di brevi domande, per poi mostrare su uno schermo le immagini di due tende affiancate. Una di queste tende nasconde un'immagine, mentre l'altra nasconde uno sfondo vuoto. Gli studenti hanno dovuto cliccare sulla tenda che [secondo le loro percezioni] nascondeva l'immagine [...] per un totale di 36 tentativi in tutto. Diverse immagini contained explicit erotic images. "
Council to read the original article for more detailed information on the setup of this experiment. Let the results:
- Participants have discovered the location of hidden erotic images in 53.1% of cases, beyond the limits of chance (50%)
- On the contrary, with images from erotic content, the participants scored a score of 49.8%.
Although 53% may seem a trivial percentage (one would expect from a true "early", a 95%. Apart from the fact that 3% more than a result of pure randomness is not, in My humble opinion as significant), it must be remembered that this first experiment, only one of nine conducted by Bem, not as subjects who had boasted psychic powers, but people who are quite "normal." Let me be clear from the results of experiments Bem, to say that all psychic powers are real, the pace is very, very long. However, a more complete search on this kind of phenomenon could (on a purely hypothetical) give unexpected results for the skeptics. Or, conversely, could refute those who believe in the existence of phenomena of precognition. But until you investigate extensively on this category of mysterious events, many doubts remain, and the reality (or inability) of the "psi powers" will remain only a matter of debate among fans of the paranormal.
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