Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doctors Shecking Pines

prepare the arrival of UFOs Pinotti: foolish and arrogant to think that Earth is inhabited only


Messina (12/16/2010)
Angela Briguglio
"A definite visual phenomenon: the world people from different walks of life have seen these" unidentified flying objects, " usually roundish shape ("a record") that have no limits of space, which also move in a zigzag or vertical, and with amazing speed (features that may not be reproduced by a plane). While flying through the air to the wings, UFOs, which are devoid of any support for these kind of effects can fly "antigravitativi". " He speaks so Roberto Pinotti, Secretary General of the National UFO Center and one of the world's foremost experts in the study of this controversial issue in his speech during the conference "And looking at the stars" which was held yesterday in the hall of the bag Chamber of Commerce. The meeting, born of the positive and constructive cooperation between the Kiwanis Club of Messina Peloro and Cun, saw, also, the participation of Antonio Morreale, director of the peloritana Cun, Andrea Pullo, Kiwanis president, Attilio comforting, Regional Coordinator Cun Sicilia, David Ferrara, head of the provincial Cun eastern Sicily, Gianfilippo Muscianisi, past president of Kiwanis Europe and, finally, Salvatore Sciliberto, chairman of the conference. Morreale, asking the audience to empathize and try to assume the role of extraterrestrials has pointed out, "looking at us earthlings, ufo probably have decided for now not to" know " and not to make their service to our enormous technological power with the fear that could be used for belligerent purposes. "

Muscianisi, reconnecting to the intervention of the Morreale, said that "UFOs might also look at the positive in our land, because, as if the Vatican says we are all children of one Father and we are not only negative '. Pullia, however, starting from the Vatican, which in the past two to three years has repeatedly held that "the aliens exist and that are God's children like us," was, in theory, aimed at skeptics, asking them this question: "What sense would it make if we were more galaxies alone in the world? ". Ferrara comforting and reviewed some sightings, then categorized as "unexplained phenomena" and there have been local cases such as the sighting in 2002 in Mascalucia, on the slopes of Etna, by an aircraft pilot who was in the car, two objects flying erratically and thirty seconds later have dissolved into thin air at an incredible speed. O ancoraquando in Canneto, a village of Carona, midway between Palermo and Messina, in 2004, unexplained fire broke out. Electric cables and mattresses were burnt from the inside, caught fire appliances with no trace of flammable material. In più molte persone hanno detto di aver visto strane luci in mare che sispostavano sotto la superficie dell'acqua e oggetti in cielo a forma discoidale. Pinotti si è soffermato sulla questione politica, evidenziando come «gli Usa abbiano secretato tantissimi documenti sugli ufo, negando sempre la presenza di dati scientifici che, invece, – è importante sottolinearlo – ci sono e attestano la presenza di vita extraterrestre. Gli americani hanno gestito la situazione attuando la cosiddetta tecnica del debunking, (la confutazione di una tesi) ma, nello stesso momento, utilizzando anche la tecnica del training (preparando, sottilmente, tramite il cinema di Hollywood, la televisione e altre metodologie, il popolo alla possibile presenza di Ufo). Altri governi hanno scelto una via diversa, come ad esempio il governo inglese e quello francese (che ha criticato apertamente il modo in cui gli Usa hanno affrontato la questione). Questi paesi infatti da tempo hanno deciso di non mettere la testa sotto la sabbia e di informare le persone. Ci si chiederà il perché di questo diverso approccio agli Ufo. La risposta è che gli Usa che sono la forza dominatrice mondiale, qualora gli Ufo si "palesassero" perderebbero il loro potere politico sul resto del pianeta. In più uscirebbe fuori il fatto che in tutti questi anni il popolo è stato sempre informato erroneamente e preso in giro per un gioco di potere». In conclusione, Pinotti si è detto fiducioso che questo system will change and said with conviction that "as we have seen the man on the moon and at the end of the Soviet empire, we will see even in the presence of UFOs on earth."

Source: Official South online


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