di Elsa Nityama Masetti
Secondo il fisico Antony Garrett Lisi l'universo ha una forma graifica ben precisa that comes close to that of a huge mandala ...
Stephen Hawking said when asked which of all the cosmologies conceived by scientists in the last half century, was the real one: "I have them all."
One of the most ancient and universal, designed by someone, it is certainly the harmonious Mandala. The oldest known so far is a "solar wheel" Palaeolithic discovery in South Africa. The newest is the theoretical physicist Antony Garrett Lisi.
"The universe could have a clear graphical form." This says Antony Garrett Lisi fisico “singolare” che da qualche mese fa parlare di se. E se c’è l’ha, quanto è vero il suo modello unificato - è quella di un Mandala. Della serie: i tibetani la sanno lunga? Fin troppo, sono convinti i cinesi!
Lisi, però, l’ha chiamato E8, come lo schema matematico a cui si rifà il suo modello. Si tratta di una “struttura” di 248 punti che incorpora le simmetrie di una geometria a 57 dimensioni ed è esso stesso a 248 dimensioni, della serie sembra tondo, ma ha 248 lati, come il più fine dei diamanti.
Ecco come lo definisce Garrett: «Quello che sono riuscito a fare è descrivere tutte quelle particelle, includendo la gravità, quali parts of a single field, with a single gauge of clumping. And then I discovered that this caliber is the E8, perhaps one of the most beautiful structures in mathematics. " In fact, to make his simple theory of everything is the use of only one time dimension and three space, a little something simple from mathematical point of view. This is stuff that so few understand, and then, a fortiori, following your intuition, you should go to see better what it says on the mandala.
Mandala is said ... According to Wiki (not my sister, but wikipedia): "is a Sanskrit word that means circle or cycle. You see associated with the culture (see RigVeda, scritture che risalgono alla notte tempi), e molto assai a quella tibetana (aggiungo io). Il termine Mandala è usato anche per indicare un disegno composto dall'associazione di diverse figure geometriche, le più usate delle quali sono il punto, il triangolo, il cerchio ed il quadrato”.
Se si guardano le animazioni della teoria del surfista - sport che Garrett preferisce a quelli solitamente adottati nei laboratori accademici - come appaiono sul video del New Scientist , non si può che rimanere affascinati. Elettroni, protoni, neutrini, quark e antiquark sono indicati, guarda caso, da piccoli triangoli e cerchi di colori diversi che, in una elegante quanto ordinata danza, si scompongono and reassembled in what could be the second Lee Smolin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, "the great insight."
"It's one of the best models of unification that I have ever seen in many, many years" - said Smolin, fresh out of fresh. Apart from the fact that after the surrender of Hawking's theories will turn out as a unifying croissants, one wonders if Professor Smolin never put his nose out of his lab, because of such models, unifying and well, you see them for ages!
Scientists, however, you know, are the discovery of the algorithm that explains everything, once and for all. Sometimes, if it were not for the "noble mania" and the measurement equation totocontenente one gets the impression of being in front of the so-called discovery of the 'hot water', which, however, always according to the Ayurvedic healing system is just that good for everything except the pharmaceutical industry.
On the other hand, nose in the laboratory is our body surfer, climber and explorer (of jungles and forests) that Dr. Lisi without it. He seems to have good time in a long walk on the waves and the mountains. Maybe it's just when is the top one or the other, in that instant and ubiquitous one in which the eye embraces the whole in a unifying vision, which is seized by intuition ... math!
It says on the Mandala, also on Wiki: "The Mandala represents the Buddhists the process by which the cosmos was formed from its center ... they recognize, however, that the true Mandala can only be mental." The images or physical materials such as sand colored material used to build the mandala only for the period of religious practice. Completed, the Mandala is simply destroyed, sweeping away the sand that make up. This gesture to commemorate the continuing mutability and transience of things, their potential yet.
Garrett Lisi is waiting for the experiments at CERN confirm his theory, before destroying it or not his.
We hope that Science, one with a capital letter, as usual, do not insist!
The article is from Science and Knowledge No 24 .
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