On November 24, 2010 will hold a conference at Oxford University on the theme " UFOs: The Secret History." It will be a lesson about 60 minutes conducted by Robert Hastings where he will talk about the connection of Unidentified Flying Objects and missile sites and weapons depots nuclear.
This is based on hundreds of documents declassified through the Freedom Of Informaction Act (FOIA) and related agencies like the American FBI. U.S. Air Force and CIA, as well as the testimonies of about 120 former U.S. military personnel interviewed by Hastings. The documents confirm that not only were UFOs exist, but it is also noted that these mysterious aerial objects are a top concern for the U.S. Air Force and the various U.S. intelligence agencies. Consequently, the documents are a total contradiction to the frequent public denials of the reality of UFO issued over the years by official spokesmen in Washington.
In particular, documents relating to UFO that have repeatedly violated the airspace of highly sensitive nuclear weapons sites, including the Los Alamos Laboratory, where nuclear weapons are designed. Other documents refer to UFO hovering above nuclear missile launch silos and storage bins on nuclear bombs. Still others refer to UFO aerial interception by fighter aircraft.
On 27 September 2010, Hastings has co-sponsored the press conference in Washington DC at the National Press Club entitled "Connecting UFOs and nuclear weapons", in which seven people who have worked for the U.S. Air Force have disclosed any direct or indirect knowledge of incidents involving UFOs activities and sites with nuclear weapons during the Cold War. The media event was broadcast live on CNN and countless articles and reports of the event appeared all over the world.
One of the participants of the press conference, retired USAF Colonel Charles Halt, spoke of involvement in the famous UFO incident that occurred in Rendlesham Forest / RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, in December 1980. Halt said that one of UFO hovered briefly near the base Nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA) and directed the laser, as fasci di luce verso il basso o vicino ad esso.
Hasting ha intervistato un certo numero di ex poliziotti alla sicurezza dell'USAF che hanno testimoniato della presenza di UFO al WSA di Bentwaters, in più di una notte, così come quella di due persone in servizio presso la torre di controllo del traffico aereo della base dove hanno registrato attività UFO per una settimana, che hanno confermato l'inseguimento di un oggetto aereo anomalo sul radar. Uno dei controllori, Ike Barker, ha osservato un velivolo sferico di colore arancione dalla finestra.
Hastings è anche apparso sulla CNN al "Larry King Show Live" il 18 luglio 2008, assieme ad ex ufficiali della US Air Force who were involved in accidents UFO on nuclear weapons. Two of them, the official launch missiles Robert Salas and the officer of the reporting objectives Robert Jamison, said that mysteriously 10 Minuteman missiles went completely out of commission for a malfunctioning just as a UFO was spotted floating over the area of launch control of flight outside of Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, in March 1967. Hastings spoke to other Air Force personnel rockets that have described the same offense in other missile bases in the U.S. Air Force.
Hastings, a professor and UFO researcher independent, said that his interest UFO's also began in 1967 when he was present at the air traffic control tower at Malmstrom, during which there was a period of two weeks of intermittent activity UFO missile base sites. "One night five UFO was tracked by radar for several minutes," he says, "and fighters were scrambled to intercept. Later I learned from the U.S. Air Force, when the fighters came was to intercept them visually, the UFO conducted a vertical climb and left the area with tremendous speed, far beyond the capabilities of any known aircraft. "
Since that incident, Hasting ha dedicato ore e ore alla ricerca sugli UFO e le risposte di copertura da parte del Governo USA. Ha parlato in più di 500 college e università americane dal 1981, nel tentativo di fornire al pubblico le intriganti informazioni che lui ed altri ricercatori hanno ottenuto. Il suo libro " UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclears Weapons Sites" è disponibile presso il suo sito.
"Io non sto condannando qualsiasi agenzia governativa per la loro politica di segretezza nei confronti degli UFO ", dice Hasting, "ma credo che il pubblico americano, e la gente ovunque, dovrebbe essere informato sui fatti".
Dal 1988 al 2002, Hastings è stato impiegato come analista di laboratorio alla Philips Semiconductors di Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ora che è in pensione si dedica a tempo pieno alle indagini sugli UFO .
Traduzione a cura del Centro Ufologico Ionico
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