... ma a volte ho come la strana sensazione che in casa ci sia un .... topolino..... faccio la spesa e compro un pezzo di caciotta perchè poi la userò magari per i crescioni caciotta e zucchine.... ma poi quando, tornando dal lavoro pensando che sia la sera giusta per questa dinner, I open the fridge e. .. Zacchi .... where is the caciotta ......?????...... wonder my children as a kind of Columbo (I miss the cigar but why do not smoke) e. .. nothing !!!!! the two-legged mouse does not confess ..... I doubt then that they were two mice from fridge ??????!!!!!!!
but then ..... there is also the largest mouse .... that prefers almonds, peeled and those ready to be prepared to bring all of nooks (Do you know, those delicious cookies with excellent vin santo) ... that have not yet been able to do because every time I buy almonds but I can not hide them in a safe place ..... or recently I've hidden so well that not even più le sto trovando.......
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