Sunday, February 27, 2011

Survival Rate For Peritoneal Cancer

God save the (drag) Queen

OMG! Someone must have thought that there was a need to give a little 'motion to parties of Astral, I guess he thought something like this: "Enough with these talented international performers, enough with all this elegance in every occasion, just avatar with these beautiful and clean as these fustacchioni white Dixan, eh what the heck!'s change the cards on the table for an evening! "
Yes, I think it came more or less like the idea of \u200b\u200bthis evening, and this is the appeal that the someone in question is addressed to all residents. ALL, not only those who are called Resident surname
-.- I'll reprint it (comments in italics are mine. LOL):

MAN! (^ I like this categorical imperative. ^) Tonight, February 27, 2011, from 22:00 (1:00 pm SLT) the failure to dare you to give free rein to the hormone and that crazy 'in you (and finally someone speaking of hormones for women are not crazy once meseeee ^. ^) .
Choose the most beautiful dress, sexy, glamorous, the closet and wear it on your girlfriend! Tonight you can! (well the other night, to the limit. We at Astral are open-minded ^. ^) and do not forget the stiletto or commencing (OMG che è la decorrente? io indosso solo anfibi militari... a meno che non abbia detto decolté , una volta devo aver indossato un paio di scarpe del genere, al matrimonio di mia sorella credo...) adatta all'abito.
Ti vogliamo qui, ad Astral Dreams – Italia Romantica per una serata folle ed indimenticabile e voi donne accompagnate i vostri uomini e scatenatevi con loro e con Eche deejay, che indosserà una mise adatta (ih ih, varrà la pena partecipare fosse solo per vedere Eche ^.^) .
Sorpresa! Vi aspettiamo!

Vi aspetto anche io... vestita da uomo come sempre :-)


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