It tells of an old Cherokee sitting at sunset with his nephew.
"Grandpa, why do men fight?"
The old man's eyes turned to the setting sun, the day that he was losing his battle with the night, he spoke in a calm voice.
"Every man, sooner or later, is called upon to do so. For every man there is always a battle waiting to be fought, to win or perdere.Perchè fiercest clash is what happens between two wolves. "
" Which wolf grandfather? "
" ; what every man carries within himself. "
The child could not understand.
waited until my grandfather broke the silence that had dropped between them, perhaps to turn his curiosity. Finally, the old man who had within them the wisdom of the time taken with his calm tone.
"There are two wolves in all of us. One is bad and live with hatred, jealousy, envy, resentment, false pride, lies, selfishness. "
The old man paused again, this time to give way to comprehend what had just said.
"And the other?"
"The other wolf is good. Lives of peace, amore, speranza, generosità, compassione, umiltà e fede."
Il bambino rimase a pensare un istante a quello che il nonno gli aveva appena raccontato. Poi diede voce alla sua curiosità e al suo pensiero.
"E quale lupo vince?"
Il vecchio Cherokee si girò a guardarlo e rispose con occhi puliti.
"Quello che nutri di più."
tratto da: Essere ”Niente”
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