Alla fine dei tempi, miliardi di persone furono portate su di una grande pianura davanti al trono di Dio. Molti indietreggiarono davanti in that glow. But some in the front row so they talked excitedly. Not with awe, but do provocative.
"Can God judge us? But what does he know about suffering? "Snapped a young woman. He rolled up his sleeve to show the number tattooed a Nazi concentration camp. "We have suffered terror, beatings, torture and death."
In another group showed a young black man's neck. "And what about this?" He asked showing signs of a rope. "Lynched. For no other crime except that of being a black man. "
In another deployment was a student pregnant with eyes worn. "Why should I suffer?" He murmured. "It was not my fault."
Further on in the plain were hundreds of these groups. Each of them had to do the blame God for evil and suffering He had permitted in this world.
How lucky God was to live in a place where all was sweetness and splendor, where there was no crying or pain, hunger or hatred. That God knew everything that the man had to endure in this world? God leads a very easy life, they said.
Each group sent out its representative, scelto per aver sofferto in misura maggiore. Un ebreo, un nero, una vittima di Hiroshima, un artritico orribilmente deformato, un bimbo cerebroleso. Si radunarono al centro della pianura per consultarsi tra loro. Alla fine erano pronti a presentare il loro caso. Era una mossa intelligente.
Prima di poter essere in grado di giudicarli, Dio avrebbe dovuto sopportare tutto quello che essi avevano sopportato. Dio doveva essere condannato a vivere sulla terra.
"Fatelo nascere ebreo. Fate che la legittimità della sua nascita venga posta in dubbio. Dategli un lavoro tanto difficile che, quando lo intraprenderà, persino la sua famiglia pensi che debba essere impazzito. Fate che venga tradito dai suoi amici più intimi. Fate che debba face charges, to be tried by a jury to be false and convicted by a cowardly judge. Make it tortured. Finally, have them understand what it means to feel terribly alone. Then let it die. Let it die in a way that there can be no doubt about his death. Let us be witnesses to verify this. "
While each representative announced its part of speech, murmurs of approval rose from the crowd of people gathered.
When the last had finished there was a long silence. No one dared say a word. Why suddenly everyone realized that God had already fulfilled all the conditions.
Author: Bruno Ferrero - Paper: Only the wind knows