survived a week of fire.
without a husband. And without a mother.
Without her husband means that you bring them asylum. For five days in a row. It means that in the morning as advance you may have on the roadmap, and always come out late. It means that overthrow milk, crumble cookies and fist fight. They will not want to dress, or pee. Unlined entire repertoire of whims. Just for you. It will test your nerves up to one second before entering the nest when they start to run to his friends happy and you begin to relax. And you go to work, not to do yoga. Thinking of those who tell you but your eh are quiet ...
No mother wants to say that after the asylum will keep your mother-in-law. From you. It means that although you know that the casalinghitudine is not your forte, you will try to leave the house less worse than usual: a semblance of order, nothing more. A matter of dignity, in short. Your efforts will be vain, however, because when there is someone who makes things for you, you forget how much time is lost to them. And you're always missing the decisive half hour to do everything.
without husband and without a mother means that if one gets used to always help others begin to believe that you can not do it alone. Should really try. At least sometimes. Hard work, of course. But there are gains in self-esteem .
And then (finally?) Her husband back into the fold and the house is even more messed up than before. But that's another story.
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